Close up of Barbastelle bat resting on stone
Scientific Name:
Barbastella barbastellus
An unusual looking bat with a flattened face and large ears that meet in the middle. The fur is dark with silvery tips.
Up to 5cm in length with a 26cm wingspan, weighs just 8 grams.
Preferred habitats:
Woodland and wet meadows.
Moths, midges and beetles.
Up to 23 years.


Mating happens in the autumn but the pregnancies can be delayed until the bats form maternity roosts in the spring. Females give birth to two pups in July.


Where do they live in the Forest?

They live in the deciduous woodland around stream and ponds.


Natural predators

Birds of prey.


Spotting tips

These bats are rare but they can be seen hunting over water or wet meadows at dusk.


Not to be confused with

These bats are distinctive and are not easily confused with other species.


Conservation status

Protected in the UK under the Wildlife and Countryside Act, 1981. Barbastelles are listed as a priority species on the UK Biodiversity Framework. They are also a European Protected Species through the European Habitats Directive.


How you can help

One of the biggest threats to Barbastelles is the reduction in prey due to pesticide spraying. One way you could help is to become a Friend of the Forest and support our work creating and maintaining habitats for wildlife.