The volunteers at the annual thank you event
Help create a lasting green legacy

Give your time to help create a lasting green legacy

Volunteering your time to support a local environmental or conservation charity or project is one of the best things we can all do to help create a green legacy for future generations. 

Every bit of time given, whether planting saplings, assisting with wildlife surveys or offering your skills and services to support the running of the organisation, really can make a huge difference.

Mitigating climate change is more important than ever. Whether giving a couple of hours or volunteering regularly in the Forest, you will be helping to create a lasting green legacy.

Meet some of our volunteers

Steve, Volunteer Leader

Steve, 75, is a retired finance manager who has been volunteering with the Heart of England Forest for 6 years. Steve helps to lead groups on the volunteer programme and can be found in the Forest supporting our dedicated volunteers with tasks such as tree planting and forest maintenance, helping with what is most needed depending on the time of year. 

"My generation is responsible for some of the biggest challenges we face now when it comes to the environment and climate change. Housing shortages, farming practices and the emphasis on efficiency and consumption have put a real strain on our countryside. I grew up being able to travel around the world, with no idea of the impact of emissions and mass tourism on the environment. We must make an effort to mitigate some of the damage we’ve done. Being part of planting the Forest is my way of giving back and helping to create a better environment for future generations. The future of nature in this country is so important for our wellbeing, and I hope that what I’m doing now will contribute to preventing climate change and improving biodiversity."
Steve, Volunteer Leader
Volunteer Steve is helping a young boy identify insects. They are standing in grassland looking at a clipboard
Would you like to find out more about volunteering in the Forest? Join our free introduction to volunteering evening webinar on Wednesday 20th September.

Linda, Regular Volunteer

Linda, a regular volunteer, originally from Scotland, feels a sense of familiarity and of belonging when assisting with the heathland management here in the Forest. The knowledge and skills Linda gained working on the ground assisted with her recent course in conservation. Linda shows a great appreciation that the work being done now to nurture and protect habitats in the Forest is creating a green legacy that will be here for life.

Find out more about volunteering in the Forest