Jon Snow, Honorary President
Jon Snow is a journalist who anchored Channel 4 News for over 30 years, and was the former Chair of the Board of Trustees for nine years.
As well as a strong background in journalism, Jon has a wealth of experience in the voluntary and community sector. He was Chair of the New Horizon Youth Centre (a charity supporting homeless young people) from 1986 to 2016, was a joint trustee of the National Gallery and Tate Gallery from 1998 to 2008, and is a trustee at the Longford Trust, which provides prisoners with the opportunity to study for university degrees.
Q&A with Jon
When did you become a Trustee?
July 2014
Why did you choose to give your time and get involved with the charity?
I have been fascinated by trees since I was a child growing up in the oak woods of the Sussex Weald. By chance, later, I became a close friend of Felix Dennis – the founder of the Heart of England Forest. When he asked me if I would become the Chair of the charity, I was totally delighted. I was Chair for nine years and I am thrilled to continue my involvement with the charity as its first Honorary President.
What expertise do you bring to the trustee role?
I have been fortunate both to have worked for a charity – the New Horizon Youth Centre - and to have had the experience of being a trustee for several charities over the years. So, I do feel well seasoned in charity board activity.
What aspect of the charity’s work interests you the most?
Inevitably the expansion and maintenance of the Forest, but equally the administration of it.
Where/how do you think the Heart of England Forest is making the most difference?
I believe that the Heart of England Forest is not only providing an increasingly important lung for the people of the Midlands, but also soak to address the nation’s pollution. I am confident that as the Forest expands, so will these benefits.
What 3 words would you use to describe the work of the Forest?
Extraordinary, amazing, green.
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