Head and shoulders shot of Tasha smiling at the camera wearing a branded jacket and standing in front of some autumnal coloured scrub

Meet the team: Gorcott Biodiversity Officer Tasha

29 November 2021
Heart of England Forest

Creating and conserving England’s largest new native broadleaf woodland would not be possible without our dedicated and hardworking team. Meet Tasha, the Biodiversity Officer at Gorcott Hill.

Joined the charity

March 2021

What is your role in the charity?

I first joined the Heart of England Forest as a Biodiversity Intern in the biodiversity team and followed an impressive training programme learning a whole host of new skills. I was able to progress my career in conservation further by securing this Gorcott Biodiversity Officer role, and I feel so lucky to have my dream job within the charity after only six months!

This role includes organising and carrying out species and habitat surveys, planning and implementing habitat enhancement projects, and delivering volunteering programmes involving local people from a wide range of backgrounds.

What are you most looking forward to in your role?

This is a hard one as I am looking forward to a lot! I am looking forward to improving a previously unmanaged woodland and seeing what species that brings. The land at Gorcott has such amazing potential and I am so excited to be involved. I can’t wait to get stuck in with surveys and see which creatures call it home.

Aerial view of Gorcott Hill with tree tops in the top left corner and bottom right corner, and an open field with three barns in it in the top right.
Gorcott Hill site


When did your interest in biodiversity begin?

I have been interested in the natural world since I was young. I always remember visiting my grandparents and listening to my grandad whistling to all the garden birds. He could return their tunes as they sang and would tell me all about the species; I was mesmerised. This really sparked my interest in our native wildlife. Of course, as I got older it was the likes of Sir. David Attenborough and television shows like Big Cat Diary which furthered my interest and made me really want to do better for the world.

What do you like most about working at the charity?

The easiest answer would be everything! I love that I have been given the opportunity to work alongside like-minded people in my dream job. I can wake up every morning looking forward to the day ahead. Working for the charity has allowed me to work within the conservation sector, knowing that I am contributing towards a positive future for our wildlife for generations to come.

Tasha and Elain standing by some fallen tree trunks in Wild Wood 2


What advice would you give anyone looking for a career in conservation?

My advice would be never give up until you achieve your goal. It sounds a cliché I know, but it is honestly the best advice. The conservation sector can be hard to break in to, but it is so rewarding when you do. One of the best things to do is build your experience through volunteering with local conservation groups and charities. By doing this you not only gain invaluable skills and knowledge, but you also make great contacts within the conservation world. 

What do you like doing in your spare time?

Aside from seeing my friends and family, I spend most of my spare time out and about exploring. During the survey season I spend much of my free time with my local bat group, sitting out in the woods in the dark surveying bats. I am also an avid reader, so when the weather isn’t so great I will be cosied up with a good book and maybe a glass of wine!

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