There are a few options for getting the money you've raised to us:
If you have used an online giving page to raise money for us, you do not need to do anything. The provider will automatically pay us your funds.
Make a bank transfer using our bank details. Account code 00032154, Sort code 40-52-40 (if you are paying in funds for the first time please contact us so we can give you a reference number to use on your bank transfer)
Send a cheque made payable to The Heart of England Forest (please include a note with your details and the event you did so we can say thank you)
Please do not send cash in the post
Email or call Ros Anscombe on 07754 800258.
Our address is The Heart of England Forest, Colletts Farm Office, Dorsington, Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire, CV37 8AU.