Stoats mate in late Summer, but will give birth in the following Spring. A typical litter will have 6 – 12 kits.
Where do they live in the Forest?
In woodland and grassland, hunting for rabbits, small mammals and birds.
Natural predators
Hawks, owls and foxes, as well as occasionally domestic cats.
Spotting tips
Look for stoats hunting rabbits in open habitats such as grasslands, or crossing country lanes and roads.
Not to be confused with
Weasels. The easiest way to distinguish between a stoat and a weasel is the tail. Stoats have black tipped bushy tails, whereas weasels have sleeker all brown tails. They also move differently – stoats have a distinctive bounding gait, while weasels run close to the ground.
How you can help
You could become a Friend of the Forest and support our work creating and maintaining habitats for wildlife.