A frosty bridge on a footpath through trees
Fundraise for the Forest this festive season

Support our wildlife and wild spaces this winter

Do you want to support a local charity in the season of goodwill? Looking for a festive activity for staff? Want to promote workplace wellbeing and show your green heart? 

Winter is the busiest time of year for our Forest Team, and the harshest season our local wildlife faces. Even on the coldest of days essential winter work is needed to ensure that young trees and Forest creatures survive the winter, ready to thrive in the spring.

Every penny you raise helps plant trees, restore and maintain habitats, and promote biodiversity. 

Cold days need warm hearts logo with snowflakes at either end

We need warm hearts like yours to help us through these cold days. Please support our appeal.

Help wildlife like birds, hedgehogs, and even bees 

A hedgehog emerging from underneath some deadwood amongst leaves on the forest floor

Did you know?

  • The UK is one of the least forested European countries with just 13% tree cover. 
  • Almost 1 in 6 UK native species of plants and animals are threatened with extinction.  

Our charity is helping reverse centuries of woodland decline by creating and conserving a huge broadleaf forest, right here in the West Midlands. 

You can help create and protect a place of enduring natural beauty, including habitats that support not just wildlife, but human life - giving us all the best chance of adapting to our changing climate.

Festive fundraising ideas to get you started 

The Forest can help you celebrate the end of the year and have some festive fun with your team, whilst contributing to a greener future. 


1. Dress Up Day: Dig out your festive jumpers, push the boat out with fancy dress, or hold a ‘wear green’ day.  

2. Quiz: Download our festive quiz, split into teams, and let battle commence!  

3. Christmas Cakes Competition: Mince pies, gingerbread, stollen or a classic Victoria sponge – bring your baking best.  

4. Green Raffle: Sell tickets to win prizes that are literally green, or ecofriendly. 

5. Winter Wellness Challenge: Beat the winter blues and get ahead of the belt busting December ‘food-a-thon’. Track your walking/running/swimming– who will be top of the leader board by the end of the month? If you are super keen… take on a virtual fitness challenge. 


Ask people to donate in a way that works for your team - a donation from each quiz team, for every slice of cake, for each mile run. 

How to take part

Set a date. Pick one or two activities. Set your target.

Use our email banner to let staff know about your festive fundraiser. Put your poster and Heart of England Forest collection tin somewhere prominent. Find fundraising resources below. 

On the day – get everyone involved, get festive, get competitive, have fun!

Remember to pay in your donations here by 10th January 2025

Festive fundraising toolkit 

Here are some resources to help you with your fundraising for the Forest. Click on the links below to download:

Fundraising event poster 
Social Media -Facebook and LinkedIn
Social Media - Facebook and Instagram stories

Need some help…? 

For a collection tin or further information or support with your activities, please contact us at fundraising@heartofenglandforest.org.

Find answers to frequently asked questions.
Grey illustrations of an owl, rabbit, robin, fungi, bird and a hedgehog on a white background
A green banner with different size white snowflakes scattered over it