Aerial view of Spernal and Windmill Hill

Environment and climate politics brings students to the Heart of England Forest

28 June 2024
Dr J Gilson, Dr E Foster and Andrea Duxbury, Outdoor Learning Officer
Birmingham University’s Environment and Climate Politics course examines and explores the politics and practices of human interaction with the environment through case studies and theoretical debates. So, how did the students visit to the Forest aid their learning?
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How to identify trees in winter

18 December 2023
Fiona Brewis, Assistant Forest Ranger
Identifying trees in winter can be tricky. Assistant Forest Ranger Fiona shares her top tips to help you hone your species spotting skills.
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The Forest in the fight against flooding

18 December 2023
Dave Throup, Trustee
With extreme weather events and flooding on the increase, the Forest has a vital role to play in flood alleviation. Dave Throup, charity trustee and flooding expert, explains.
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Connect to nature and combat the January blues

15 December 2023
the Heart of England Forest
Despite being perceived as a nation of nature lovers, the UK has been ranked the lowest in Europe for our ‘nature connectedness.’ But why does nature connectivity matter and how can it help us combat the January blues?
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Rhinos in the Forest

15 December 2023
Ed Leszczynski, Forest Projects Officer
The lesser horseshoe bat is rare in the UK and sadly declining in number, so we are delighted to have discovered them in the Forest.
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Behind the scenes: Woodland management during the winter months

15 December 2023
Melissa Dryland, Assistant Forest Ranger
Tree planting is an important job for our forestry team during the winter months. After all, woodland creation is at the heart of what we do. But it is only part of our mission. We are equally committed to conserving our wonderful Forest. Read on to find out what else we are doing this season.
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The Heart of England Forest focuses on the State of Nature 2023

28 November 2023
Sophie Leszczynska, Biodiversity Manager
The State of Nature report monitors the abundance and distribution of more than 10,000 species in the UK and the British Overseas Territories with data reaching back to the 1970’s. Information published this year highlights the overall condition of nature in the UK. Sophie Leszczynska, Biodiversity Manager at the Heart of England Forest, explains more...
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